threats of modern world

Contemporary world is changing very fast. Nowadays there are many threats which are caused by fast development of human civilization. Most of the risks are closely connected with others. For example: overpopulation causes pollution of environment, epidemics, famine, increase in crime and others. When the problems accumulate they are more difficult to solve.

One of very serious threats is a run-down of natural resources. In well developed countries there is a high standard of living. Consequently, there is a great energy consumption. Unfortunately, world natural resources are limited. As a result, we are endangered by their shortage. If lack of natural resources takes place, the economic development will not be possible anymore. Therefore, we should use natural resources in more thrifty way and substitute them by renewable energy sources like solar and wind energy.

The other threat of modern world are diseases of affluence. These illnesses appear to be things that are a direct result of technological advances and environment pollution. Examples of diseases of affluence include diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, cancers and some types of allergies. Moreover, because of stress more and more people suffer from depression and other mental illnesses. Social isolation and lower levels of psychological well being are observed in many developed countries.

To sum up, technical development entails a lot of serious threats to mankind. The international and interpersonal co-operation is essential to solve problems of modern world. People should be conscious that they are a source evil and danger, which affect the world they live in.

Personally I am pessimistic about the future. In my opinion, even if people stop the destruction of environment and prevent illnesses, they will still wage wars and kill each other. Humanity has a long history. Because of greediness, people has always fought and I don’t believe they will just stop one day. What is more, very dangerous kinds of weapon has been invented, for example nuclear and biological weapon.


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