Przydatne zwroty po angielsku

1. Przedstawianie innych osób
- I would like to introduce
- May I introduce?
- Let me introduce
- I would like you to meet
2. Pożegnanie
- Have a nice time
- Give me a ring some time
- I will call you
3. Kończenie rozmowy
- Well.
It's been nice talking to you
- I'm sorry, I must be going
- Bye Bye, take care
4. Rozpoczynanie rozmowy
- Excuse me, is anyone sitting here
- Excuse me, am I not interrupting
- Could you tell me, that I?
- Excuse me, haven't me met before
- Lovely day, isn't it?
- Dread full weather, isn't it?
5. Prośby o wyjaśnienie i powtórzenie
- Sorry, I didn't catch what you say
- I'm not sure if I understand
- I don't quite see what you mean
- What do you mean by…
6. Włączanie się do rozmowy
- By the way
- That reminds me
- May I come here?
- May I say someth
7. Wyrażanie wahania
- Well, you see
- Actually
- What I mean is
- The point is
- Let me think
- How shall I put it? - Jak mam to ująć?
- Frankly speaking - szczerze mówiąc
8. Uzyskiwanie informacji
- Could you tell me, where I can find
- Excuse me, d
o you know what it is for…
- I wonder, if you could help me
- Do you know, where I can … (do something)
9. Udzielanie informacji
- Well, Let me think
- Ask the man over there, he will help you
- I'm afraid, I don't know, try the information center
10. Odmowa udzielania informacji
- I have no idea, I'm afraid
- I'm sorry, I rally don't know
- I can't tell, I'm afraid
- I'm afraid, I can't help you
11. Prośba o udzielenie instrukcji
- Do you know, how to...
(do it)
- How do you make it work - jak to działa
- Could you tell me, hoe to operate it
- What should I do to…
12. Udzielanie instrukcji
- You press this button
- Don't forget to…
- First do… (someth
- Then do… (something)
- Be careful
- Don't do it
- Don't touch it
13. Prośba o udzielanie rady
- I'd like to spend the night here. Can you recommend a cheap hotel?
- I have to buy a gift for an elderly lady. Could you give me some advice?
- What woul
d you do if you were in my position?
- Excuse me, which bus should I take to the city center?
- I've run out of petrol. What shall I do now?
- Do you have any idea what I could do?
14. Udzielanie rad
- You'd better not drink so much coffee
- Why don't you look for job?
- If I were you, I'd smile more often
- I think you could talk to him once more
- I don't think you should take this exam now
15. Pytanie o drogę
- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station, please?
- How can I get to the center?
- Excuse me, could you tell me where the post office is?
- I wonder how I could get to the Marriott Hotel?
16. Wskazywanie drogi
- Walk / Drive /
Go straight on until you see /
- Turn left at the traffic lights
- Cross the street at the zebra crossing
- Take / It's the second turning on your left
- Turn left at the roundabout and it's the second road on your right
- Take a bus number 23 and get off on the seventh bus stop
- Change at the Hilton Hotel and take a tram number
- It's five minutes from here on foot / by bus / by car
- The bank is right in front of you / on your left
- The post office is opposite the church / next to the post office
17. Rozpoczynanie rozmów telefonicznych
- Hello, (this is)…….speaking
- Can I speak to…….please?
- I'd like to speak……, please - Speaking
- Jackson Publishing. Can I help you?
18. Prośba o poczekanie przy aparacie
- Hang on, I'll see if she's in
- Just a minute,
I'll connect you
- Hold on a see. I'll put you trough to her
- Hold on, please / Hold on while, I find a pen
19. Informowanie o nieobecności żądanego rozmówcy
- He's out, I'm afraid
- I'm afraid, he's not available at the moment
- Can you call back this a
- He'll call you back as soon as he comes in
20. Zostawianie wiadomości
- Could I leave a message?
- Do you think you could take a message?
- Would you like to leave a message?
- Can I take a message?
21. Rozpoczynanie relacjonowania
- It happene
d a few years ago
- It was a horrible accident
- I knew from the very beginning that something was going to happen
- It was all very funny
- One day…
22. Przedstawianie kolejności wydarzeń
- At first I felt uneasy, but...
- While I was talking on the phone
I heard…
- At the same time…
- As soon as I heard the news on TV, I phoned Jim
- First I took out a pen, then I opened my notebook
- After that…
- Before that, I had prepared what to say
- The next thing I did was to
- Finally… / In the end… / Eventually…
23. Kończenie relacjonowania
- I'll never forgot that day
- I'll never ask a stranger for a lift again
- It was the most unusual / unpleasant thing that has ever happened to me
- I was terrified that they would come back
- I was scared stiff / I was scared
to death
- It was the most frightening experience I've ever had
24. Wyrażanie przypuszczania - pewność
- Of course he'll manage
- He'll certainly win
- I'm absolutely sure she won't do it
- He can't be that stupid
- It's going to rain
- He must have offen
ded her
25. Wyrażanie przypuszczania - prawdop.
- I suppose they'll come
- She's likely to get a scholarship
- They may forget about our anniversary
- I don't think they'll be ready for tomorrow
- I wouldn't be surprised if they won the match
- Perhaps he
was driving too fast
- It's possible that she lost her way / She could have got lost
- She may have forgotten our address
26. Wyrażanie zdziwienia i niedowierzania
- What a surprise!
- It can't be true
- You must be joking / You must be kidding
- You can't
be serious
- Well I'll be blown!
- I am / was surprised to hear that
- I am / was shocked!
- I can't / couldn't believe it / Would you believe it?
- I am / was totally confused!
27.Wyrażanie strachu i uspokajanie
- I'm afraid of the dark
- I'm really worr
ied about my daughter
- It was so scared, I've always been afraid of spiders
- I was terrified that they would come back
- I was scared stiff / I was scared to death
- It was the most frightening experience I've ever had
- Don't worry! It'll be all right
- There's nothing to worry about
- There's no need to worry

28. Wyrażanie postrzegania poprzez zmysły
- I could smell cigarette smoke
- The room smelled of garlic and burnt oil
- The soup tasted delicious - spicy but not too hot
- It tastes like fish
- She looks terrific
- We could hear music everywhere
- I felt so
mething cold and wet touching my neck
29. Wyrażanie zgody
- Sure / OK.
- Yes, of course / Certainly
- (Do / Would you mind...?) Not at all
- I'd / I'll be glad to
- By all means
30. Wyrażanie próśb
- Will you help me with this bag, please?
- Do you thing y
ou could close this window?
- Can / Could you lend me some money?
- Do you mind speaking more slowly?
- Would you mind waiting a little?
- I wonder if you could possibly give me a lift
- I was wondering if you could explain this problem to me once more
31. Wyrażanie odmowy
- (Do / Would you mind...?)
Well, I do / would as a matter of fact
- Sorry, I can't
- I can't help you, I'm afraid
- I'm awfully sorry, but I have to…
- I'd love to, but
- I'd really like to help but…
32. Składanie propozycji
- Shall I bri
ng a glass of water?
- May I help you with that suitcase?
- Let me do that for you
- Would you like me to wash up?
- Do you thing I could help you with this?
33. Uprzejme odrzucanie propozycji
- It's / That's OK., thanks
- No thanks, it's all right
- Thank you very much, but I'll manage
- That's very kind of you, but I can do it myself
- Thanks for offering but I'll be all right
34. Przyjmowanie propozycji
- Thank you very much
- Thanks a lot
- That's very kind of you, thanks
- Well, if you insist. It's very kind of you
- How kind, but you don't have to
35. Przepraszanie
- I'm terribly sorry
- Please forgive me
- It won't happen again
- I didn't mean to do it
- It was so silly of me
- I'm afraid I've got something to tell you. I've scratched your car
- I don't know how to put this, but the dictionary you lent me got damaged
36. Odmowa przyjęcia przeprosin
- I don't believe it.
Hoe could you (do that)?
- Why didn't you look after it?
- I'll never lend you anything again
- What are you going to do about it?
37. Przyjmowanie przeprosin / wybaczanie
- Oh, that's all right, don't worr
y about it
- Oh, never mind, it doesn't really matter
- It's nothing forget it. / It's OK
- It's not your fault
- I'm sure you didn't mean to (do it)
38. Wyrażanie skarg
- I'd like to complain about the radio I bought last week. It doesn't work
- I've got
a problem, you see. I'm afraid the window in my room doesn't open
- I'm sorry to trouble you but could you turn the music down
- I'm sorry to say this but your children have broken my window
39. Wyrażanie sugestii
- Are you doing anything on Saturday night
- How about going out somewhere this evening?
- I'm going for a walk. Would you like to join me?
- Why don't we go to the seaside this weekend?
- Let's eat out tonight
40. Wyrażanie poparcia sugestii
- Good idea
- Thanks, I'd love it
- That's a great id
- That would be lovely
- Why not?
41. Wyrażanie braku zgody z sugestią
- Are you doing anything on Saturday night / Yes, I'm going to the theatre
- Thanks for asking but I can't
- It's nice of you to ask but I've already promised to help George
- I'm af
raid I'm busy tonight
- I'm sorry, I'm expecting some guests on Saturday
- This weekend is a bit difficult. What about next weekend
42. Planowanie przyszłych wydarzeń
- Shall we prepare some Chinese food?
- What shall we bring?
- Who's going to clean up af
- I'll bring me CD's
- I'll bring some wine if you prepare the food
- I'll pick you up at 6 p.m.
43. Ustalanie terminów spotkań
- I'd like to make an appointment with...
- Do you think we could meet soon to discuss it?
- Could we meet to talk abo
ut it?
- What time shall we meet?
- What time shall I pick you up?
- Does Monday morning suit you?
- Can you make it on Friday afternoon?
- Monday's fine with me
- I'm afraid I can't make it them, but I could make Tuesday
44. Uzyskiwanie pozwolenia
- Can I leave earlier?
- Could I look at your newspaper?
- May I use your scissors?
- Do you mind if I open the window?
- Is it all right if I bring a friend?
- Would you mind if I didn't come to school tomorrow?
- I wonder if it would be possible for me to have
a holiday in July
45. Udzielanie pozwolenia
- OK. / Yes / Yes, of course
- (Do / Would you mind…?) Not at all Do go ahead
- (Do you mind…/) No, I don't mind at all
- I suppose so
46. Wyrażanie zakazu lub braku pozwolenia
- You can't smoke here, I'm afraid
- I'm sorry, but you're not allowed to park here
- You mustn't touch this switch
- Dogs are not allowed here
47. Wyrażanie braku pozwolenia
- I'm afraid not
- That's not a very good idea
- I don't think that's a good idea
- No, please don't
- I'd rather yo
u didn't
- I'm sorry, but that's not possible
- (Do you mind…?) Well, I do as a matter of fact
- (Would you mind…?) Actually, I would
48. Wyrażanie opinii
- I sometimes think that more money should be spent on animal protection
- It seems to me that it is
almost impossible to get there
- I believe that Africa is an exciting place to live in
- In my opinion they should arrest him
- I think the film is quite interesting
49. Wyrażanie braku zgodności z opinią
- That may be true, but...
- I'm not sure I agree w
ith you
- Perhaps, but don't you think that…
- I can't agree with you there
- You can't be serious
50. Wyrażanie zgodności z opinią
- That's exactly what I think / What I wanted to say
- I couldn't agree more
- I agree entirely
- So do I
51. Wyrażanie zainteresowania
- I find the history of Europe fascinating / very interesting
- I'm quite interested in politics
- I'm keen on football and hockey
- I'm bored by nature films
- I'm very fond of dogs
52. Wyrażanie życzeń i intencji
- I'd like to come back here
one day
- I want to be on time
- I wish I had a more interesting job
- I'm going to stop smoking
53. Wyrażanie preferencji
- I enjoy going to large parties
- I like jogging / I love French food
- I don't like vegetables - Neither do I / I do
- I prefer tea
to coffee - So do I / I don't
- I'd prefer to have tea
- I hate going to school
- I'd rather watch a video than go out
- I'd rather not stay here alone


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