PRESENT SIMPLE - to talk about events that happen around the NOW moment

  1. To speak about the actions permanently characterizing the subject or to say sth that is general

  1. To say about scheduled, timetabled actions or situations often in the context of travelling (itineraries)or school plan (it also has future meaning)

  1. We use present simple ( or present perfect) with future meaning in zero and 1st conditional and after such words: if, when, unless, on condition that, provided/providing that, supposing that, assuming that, in case of.

  1. To say about repeated, habitual actions - time words telling us how often: regularly, every (day), each (month), once a year, on Sundays etc. and time adverbials expressing frequency: always, often, frequently, usually, occasionally, seldom, rarely, sometimes, from time to time, barely, hardly, never .

  1. Universal time sentences (it was, it is and it will be like that)

  1. Proverbs and jokes

  1. When we give instructions for example how to prepare the dish (Makłowicz's program) or when it is described what is going on during the match when the action is quick or while giving stage directions

  1. To make the news fresh - headlines - although sth happened it is reported in present simple to attract attention

  1. When we tell about fiction/describe events in narrative/summarizing them like film/book reviews, or about a biography of people who died.

  1. When we report past events in a dramatic way or even talk about historical facts

  1. To say that sth changes from now on. The sentence changes the reality and present simple makes it strong

Or when we give name to sth

  1. Exclamations - when sb won sth

Unusual statement: I am here for 6 weeks - meaning: I am going to be here for 6 weeks

  1. Verbs of sense

Widziałam jak przeszła przez ulicę - I saw her cross the street.

Widziałam jak przechodziła przez ulicę - I saw her crossing the street.

  1. When we use words that do not have ending ING so called STATIVE VERBS

Present simple and continuous - the same words different meaning

Be: Jack is noisy/ Jack is being noisy (behaving)

Think: I am thinking of going to the UK (considering) / I think she is clever (believe)

See: I see what you mean (understand) / I am seeing her tomorrow (meeting)

Have: I have a car (own) / They are having a great time (experiencing)

Smell: It smells of burnt chicken here ( it has the smell of it)/ Why are you smelling it (checking the smell)

Taste: The soup tastes wonderful / Why are you tasting it ( tasting its flavor)

Feel: This cloth feels soft (it has soft texture)She is feeling the baby to see if he's got the temperature (touching)

Look: He looks tired (appears)/ He is looking at it ( viewing)

Weigh: He weighs more than his brother /He is weighing the bag (finding out its weight

Hear: I can hear music/ He's hearing a new pianist (robi przesłuchanie, świadomie słucha)

PRESENT CONTINUOUS - has progressive aspect, limited duration, temporary actions

  1. To say about actions that are happening now.

  1. To say that sb is in the process of doing sth.

  1. About temporary situation, changing situation.

  1. To show gradual development/change

  1. To describe a repeated but temporary action.

  1. When talking about private plans or intentions that are already arranged so they will happen for sure.

  1. ALWAYS/CONSTANTLY - can be used in present continuous tense, but has strong, emotional meaning. It is used to say that a repeated action annoys us.


  1. The water is boiling. Can you turn it off?

The water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

  1. Listen to them. What languages are they speaking?

They speak 3 languages.

  1. Let's go out. It is not raining.

It doesn't rain very much in summer.

  1. What are they doing?

What do you do?



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