The Simple Secrets To Regaining The Sexual Stamina You Had As A Teenager

What 99.9% Of All Men Don't Know

And Will Never Find Out...


"The Simple Secrets

To Regaining The Sexual Stamina

You Had As A Teenager"

(Even at 60 years of age ... and beyond)

In This Report You'll Discover:

Exactly How You Can Keep An Active Sex Life As Long As YOU Like.

Why Sexual Problems Occur In Men And How You Can Avoid Them.

Scientific Studies That Smash The Myth "Good Sex Is Only For The Young".

The Secret Weapon Used By Home Run Superstar Mark McGwire

That'll Do More Than Improve Your Ball Game!

How Keeping Your Sex Life Alive & Well

Will Actually Help You Live Longer.

The Warning Signs Of Future Sexual Problems

And How To Prevent Them.

· The Crucial Connection Between Sexual Desire

And Satisfactory Performance.

· How To Keep Your Sexual Organs From Shrinking As You Get Older

...Yes, It Will Happen To You Unless You Know How To Stop It

· The Reason You Get Flabby With Age Is Also A Culprit

In Decreased Sexual Desire And Ability ...

-Here's How You Can Reverse That Unfair Act Of Nature.

"You've Got To Admit It...

Sex Is A Wonderful Thing"

I once heard a man say in a locker room that if God created anything

better than sex, he must have kept if for himself. The man was in his

twenties and a newlywed. Although I don't know if I completely agree

with him, I am quite sure that sex is an exciting and important part

of my life and I'd like to keep it that way.

I'd be willing to bet you feel the same!But it seems that for many men just as we finally get really proficient

at it, the machinery starts to breakdown, and in some cases quits


If you've ever experienced an inability to get or maintain an erection

or had a complete loss of desire, you know how frustrating it is. In

fact it can be down right depressing. For years men struggled in silence

with these issues, biding there days hoping things would change, afraid

to ask for help in some cases and in other cases not knowing where to

turn. In the worst cases they would try dangerous, unproven methods or

undergo expensive, painful and embarrassing surgery to try and correct

the problem ... and in some cases even those methods didn't work.

Why Sexual Problems Occur In Men

And How You Can Avoid Them

As you get older, you feel the increasing demands and stresses that life

brings. With medical and physical problems creeping into your life, the

preoccupation with sex can begin to diminish. Sex is part of the flow of

mental traffic. The "normal" interest in sex for a man in his 30's, 40's

or 50's varies from a desire to have sex almost daily to once every month

or two.

At it's extreme there is a complete lack of desire. The man no longer

thinks about or wants to have sex. Unfortunately, the absence of desire

(and the absence of erections) mean that the penis is not receiving the

nutrients and oxygen it needs to remain healthy and functional. In this

situation, muscle in the penis, that is the erectile tissue, isincreasingly replaced by fibrous tissue. Fibrous tissue is less elastic.

As this occurs, it becomes more difficult to get an erection.

When sexual potency begins to wane, the man may feel that he is losing

control of himself, of his mind, his body, and of being able to

influence his world.

This simple effect can lead to anxiety, depression and an inability to

function in the world from an interpersonal, business and professional

level. When this happens the man suffers, and usually the people in his

life, especially his wife, suffer as well.

You May Need More Than Just Desire!

One of the most significant factors is a decline in your body's levels

of testosterone, which is an Androgen. Androgens are steroid hormones,

such as testosterone or androsterone, which control the development and

maintenance of masculine characteristics. In a recent study by Dr Ben

Campbell (Boston University), Richard Bribiescas (Yale University), and

Co-Investigators Akiko Uchida, and Grazyna Jasienska it was determined

that a formerly controversial, age-related decline in free testosterone

is now recognized as a consistent pattern. Age-related changes in

testosterone levels in western males have been associated with not only

a change in the sexual ability to function properly, but also a change

in body composition, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, loss of

bone density, and changes in mood and cognitive function.

>From the age of 35 years, a man might see his testosterone levels drop

.5% to as much as 2% each year, according to specialist Dr. Anna Grey.

Dr. R. Greenblatt reported that between the ages of 70 and 80, many men

have testosterone levels that are similar to the levels of men who have

been castrated!

Because of this most men will have an isolated erection problem at some

time in their lives, but for others it happens more frequently. If the

inability to respond to your partner has become a recurring problem, you

may be suffering from a treatable medical condition called erectile

dysfunction, (ED) also known as impotence.

If you suspect you have ED, there's no need to suffer in silence. You

are not alone. It's estimated that about half of all men aged 40 to 70

years in the United States are affected with ED to some degree.

Most cases of ED are associated with common medical conditions, some

medications used to treat these conditions, and certain lifestyle

factors (smoking or excessive alcohol consumption) contribute to the

problem. The good news is that erection problems can almost always be

treated. One treatment is VIAGRA® (sildenafil citrate), the now famous

pill available by prescription, has been tremendously effective in

solving this problem. But now there is something that on it's own can

provide a dramatic difference for us men, and when taken in addition

to VIAGRA® can supercharge not only the sexual machinery but improve

your entire state of wellness!

The Secret Weapon

Used By Home Run Superstar Mark McGwire

That'll Do More Than Improve Your Ball Game!

It's Not Just Your Bat;

It's The Amount Of Testosterone Behind It

That Makes A Difference!

During and interview with homerun champion Mark McGwire, a reporter

casually glanced into Mark's locker. Somewhat hidden on the back of the

shelf was an innocent looking bottle. Curiously, the reporter craned his

neck to see the label. "Androstenedione!

So that's your secret," the reporter practically shouted.

Everyone in the locker room looked around and was silent as McGwire drew

back in surprise and shuttered a feeble, "So what!"

The story became big news, but later McGwire successfully defended

himself with a simple statement, "It's a legal and important nutritional


Most people in the sports field are excited about androstenedione, (ASD)

because it isn't dangerous like the infamous anabolic steroids. There is

no heart or kidney danger. It doesn't induce breasts on men and facial

hair on women.

ASD Converts To Testosterone In Your Body

Androstenedione is naturally produced in your body by the adrenal gland.

The body immediately converts it to testosterone, and that's what the

athletes were looking much testosterone as possible. Testosterone

makes you stronger, causes your muscles to grow, gives you more endurance,

and last but far from least. It is the prime producer of your sexual

abilities - like nothing else in your entire body.

Increases Testosterone 15% in 60 Minutes

Just recently, scientists found a way to synthesize or make an exact

copy of ASD that can be taken orally in pill form. According to clinical

tests, ASD increases your testosterone level by a whopping 24% on

average within 60 to 90 minutes after taking it.

That's why McGwire had it in his locker. Taken an hour before a game,

ASD would increase his strength level dramatically by game time. And

whammo! There goes another one out of the park.

Here's why ASD is gold for older men: According to Dr Fernand Labrie's

studies at the University Center Hospital In Canada, the amount of

androgens you produce in your body steadily declines after you pass the

age of 25. By the age of 80, you can expect your androgen level to be

decreased by 40.8% to 72.8% (56.8% average).

Androstenedione is one of those androgens, and its average drop is about

51%. Dr Jesse Berline of Harvard confirmed the correlation between ASD

and Testosterone. He assisted Dr. Anna Grey of the New England Research

Institute in examining the results of 88 published studies on age and


They found that the average decline of testosterone is 35% as you get

older. Also, they reported that men with practically any kind of injury

or illness have substantially lower Testosterone levels.

This includes chronic illnesses, such as arthritis and diabetes.

This Culprit In Decreased Sexual Desire And Ability

Is Also The Reason You Get Flabby With Age

As your testosterone levels drop, your muscles shrink and fatty tissue

increases-even with moderate exercise. Several university research

centers, including University of California and Washington University

(St. Louis), participated in studies on the effects of adding

testosterone to men's diets.

Muscles Increase 10% With No Exercise!

Dr. S.B. Hasin reported they found the size of men's arm and leg muscles

increased by almost 10% in just 10 weeks of supplementation without anyexercise program. An important muscle it particularly strengthens is the

heart muscle.

Another study at the University of Southern California and the Veteran's

Administration Hospital showed that testosterone has quite a few duties

besides sexual and muscular enhancement. Dr. A.D. Mooradian reported it

facilitates oxygen absorption in the bloodstream, strengthens the immune

system, increases nerve growth in the brain and

improves the sythesis of blood sugars.

Impotent Men Have Low Testosterone

Impotent men usually have very low testosterone levels, so low in some

cases that the shrinkage of the penis and testicles is very noticeable.

Urologists often give them Testosterone replacement therapy.

Dr. J.S. Tenover of the University of Washington's Harborview Medical

Research Center reported that impotent men receiving testosterone not

only experienced enlargement of their penises and testicles, but they

also had lower bad cholesterol and a decline in bone resorption


Just like many women who have low estrogen level and get osteoporosis,

men with low testosterone get the same bone-crippling disease.

Osteoporosis severely undermines your whole structure, making falls more

likely and, of course, when you fall, the brittle bones break very


Dr. C. Wang of UCLA Medical Center studied the psychological effects of

testosterone replacement on impotent men and reported significant

decreases in anger, irritability, sadness, nervousness and tiredness.

The doctor also reported that the men had substantial increases in

energy, friendliness and sense of well-being.

If You Are Not Getting A Waking Erection, Look Out

When your testosterone is low, the frequency of night and morning

erections is also low. Most men don't pay any attention to this or

simply attribute it to getting older.

If you don't get a night or waking erection almost every day; then your

testosterone level is too low -even if you are in your seventies! The

reason for this is that around midnight, your testosterone level begins

to rise and reaches a peak between 5 A.M. and 8 A.M. The exceptions

include the times you've overindulged in alcohol, taken drugs, had

extreme stress, or anxiety, illness or an injury.

"Every woman looks good at 2 a.m.". Most men have joked that when they

were younger, almost any woman looked good just before the bar closed or

when the party was over. Well, there's a bit of fact to that joke; it's

that midnight surge of testosterone, and I bet it brings back some


Men Get Periods?

We men often make wisecracks about women on their periods. Well, the

tables are turned when your testosterone gets extremely low, because you

may experience many of the same things women do when their estrogen

levels fall. Until recently, medical scientists failed to recognize the

importance of testosterone outside the sexual arena. However, in the

last decade, research has intensified, and some big surprises have been


The most important surprise was that testosterone affects your overall

health, and the lack of it makes you more susceptible to various

diseases and ailments. Dr. Roger Loria says that numerous studies show

that testosterone and ASD enhance your Immune system and deter or

relieve numerous immune function diseases, such as arthritis,

diabetes, chronic fatigue, psoriasis and gout.

Don't Take Testosterone

Well, should you run out and get some testosterone?

The answer is a serious "No!"

A few decades ago, scientists studied the effects of injecting synthetic

testosterone in to aged animals and men. At first, tests on rats looked

promising. Old rats had new sexual vigor and performed like they were

young again.

However, when the scientists began testing on large animals and men,

they were surprised. They discovered that although testosterone levels

increased, renewed sexual interest and ability was exhibited by very few

of the test subjects. A man might see his testosterone levels drop!

Why? Because testosterone levels are not steady when administered by

injection. They may initially be high but they fall back. Plus,

injections carry an enormous risk for liver problems, blood thickening

and even acne. Medical researchers have learned a lot over the years

from helping postmenopausal women with estrogen therapy. They've found

that tinkering with the hormonal system is a delicate affair. There are

many unwanted side effects, and although estrogen therapy is very

successful today, it is far from perfect.

Successful testosterone therapy without side effects is similar to

trying to throw a nail through the spokes of a moving bicycle wheel. If

your toss is just right, then everything works great. Usually, it's not.

For that reason, you can't buy testosterone without a prescription.

The scientists concluded that they needed something else that stimulated

sexual drive and ability, something that worked naturally with the body

- a "trigger" to boost testosterone. However, men are very lucky because

scientists have been able to synthesize the main precursor to


More Scientific Studies That Smash The Myth

"Good Sex Is Only For The Young"

Men who take ASD usually start feeling the difference almost

immediately. It works with your body naturally to increase the levels of

testosterone. Increased testosterone levels make you feel more male and


Many people assume that sex is over at 50 and resign themselves to a

sexless destiny. This attitude is in part fueled by jokes and folklore

and our modern society's glorification of youth. The truth is that often

people are sexually active throughout their entire lives.

Our sexuality is nature's gift to us, and is important for our

well-being. Sex makes us feel good physically and emotionally.

Sex, especially in a loving relationship, nourishes the bonding between

mates. It provides us with feelings of being loved, secure, competent,

and powerful. Sex is a good form of exercise, providing a workout for

muscles, joints, and the cardiovascular system. It also causes the body

to produce the endorphins, which give us a natural high and increase the

functioning of the immune system, making us better able to resist

infection and illness. The body produces endorphins in response to

laughter, orgasms, exercise and relaxation.

A New Man In Two Weeks

Dr. N.E. Skakkebaek reported in the journal Clinical Endocrinology that

totally impotent men, with little or no interest in sex, experienced

vastly increases sexual interest within one week, and after two weeks,

they began having orgasms again.

Dr. Jan Davidson of the Stanford University Medical Center said, "We

have concluded that the stimulatory effects of testosterone on sexual

activity are rapid, reliable and not due to the placebo effect."

Your Body Is Smarter Than The M.D.s

Androstenedione (ASD) works beautifully because the body, being much

smarter than doctors, makes just the right amount of testosterone that

it needs. There's no guesswork. That's why no prescription is required.

It's safe, and there are no side effects. But there is another component

that is necessary for it to work.

ASD Requires Zinc

Let me explain:

Often, low levels of testosterone are due to in part to the food we eat.

The male sex organs use more Zinc than any other part of the body. It's

no wonder then that so many men have sexual problems, according to

professor emeritus Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of

Nebraska school of Medicine. He said, "Some 90% of the population

consume diets deficient in zinc."

Zinc Means Sex

The reason for this is soil depletion. The plants we eat extract zinc

from the soil, yet commercial fertilizers don't replace zinc. Over many

decades of farming, no zinc is left in the soil.

Dr. Earl Mindell, the famous pharmacologist and best-selling author,

says: "If there's any Zinc in raw food, most of it is lost in processing

and cooking the food". Zinc deficiency in children causes delayed sexual

development, according to studies done by Dr. S.Z. Ghavami at the

Pediatric Department of New York's Nassau County Medical Center.

Dr. U. Mehta reported in the India Journal of Experimental Biology that

clinical test showed the testicles and penises of animals atrophied

(shrank) when fed diets devoid of zinc. They also exhibited no desire to

mate. In other studies, the testosterone levels of men given zinc

supplements increased dramatically, according to Dr. A.T. Crockett of

the University of Rochester School of Medicine.

In a clinical study published in the medical journal Andrologia, Dr.

H.G. Kynaston showed that infertile men given zinc supplements for four

to eight weeks produced 45% more sperm than before the treatment.

Zinc also stops the pituitary gland from producing prolactin, according

to research done by Dr. Alan Judd at the University of Virginia Medical

School. Prolactin stops testosterone production and causes

dihydrotestoserone (DHT) to be produced instead. DHT is the main culprit

responsible for prostate enlargement-the male sex organ's deadliest


The most interesting aspect of zinc is that in order for the body to

convert ASD to testosterone, Zinc must be present. Obviously, taking ASD

by itself is probably useless. But taking a zinc supplement is not very

effective because plain zinc is not absorbed well by the stomach.

Especially as we get older.

Testosterone And ASD Are Not Alone In The Battle

To Improve (Or Bring Back) Your Sex Life

LYCOPENE: Another nutrient called "lycopene," which is found in tomatoes

is apparently very important for sexual health. The testicles contain

more lycopenes than any other part of the body, but impotent men have

very low levels.

This nutrient is the worlds' champion antioxidant, hundreds of time more

powerful than vitamins C, E and the former champion, pycnogenol, or

grape seed extract. Antioxidants are one of the most important keys to


Dr. Steven Clinton of Harvard Medical School reported that 154 clinical

studies of lycopenes substantially proved that this nutrient is a very

strong player in the deterrence of heart disease and tumors of the

prostate, stomach and colon.

This may be why men in the Mediterranean area, where tomatoes are a

regular part of their daily diets, have a very low incidence of prostate

problems, when compared to men in other countries.

4-ANDROSTENEDIOL: This is ASD's Important Big Brother. Many months

before the press reported that McGwire was taking ASD, news of the

importance of ASD spread through the athletic community, and several

nutritional supplement manufacturers rushed a crude form of ASD to


Since then, clinical studies have shown that ASD works better when

combines with its brother 4-androstenediol. In combination, they produce

a more regulated and effective flow of testosterone.

South American Shaman's Sex Secret

You may already have heard about the herb Yohimbe, which has been

approved by the Food and Drug Administration for impotence. It is an

alkaloid from the bark of the tree native to tropical West Africa. It

increases sexual vitality, but its primary action is to increase blood

flow to erectile tissue. When used alone, it is successful in 34-43%

of cases.

It had been used in folk medicine for centuries, but with the advent of

Western medicine and chemical drugs, it was forgotten until the late

1960s and mid-1970s. When a Danish specialist in artificial

insemination of livestock demonstrated it's almost instant aphrodisiacal

effects on sexually sluggish bulls and stallions, it wasn't long before

scientists sat up and took notice.

Tests on rats confirmed this powerful sexual stimulatory effect.

Then in 1982, physicians at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario,

Canada, tried it on human beings. The study included 23 men between the

ages of 32 and 72. Almost half were diabetics, and the rest had high

blood pressure and other circulatory problems for which they were taking

antihypertensive drugs known to cause impotence.

After 10 weeks of using it, six of the 23 men were able to have

sustained erections and resume satisfactory sexual relations. This is

an extraordinary result, considering that these men had just endured a

lengthy period of severe sexual problems!

That's a success rate of 26% - an impressive and statistically

significant figure.

A follow-up study by the same Canadian researchers resulted in excellent

results again, with a total and partial success rate of more than 40%.

Their conclusion: "it is a safe treatment for psychogenic impotence that

seems to be an effective as sex and marital therapy for restoring

satisfactory sexual functions."


"I Didn't Believe It Until I Saw It!"

Epimedioum sagittatum -"Horny Goat Weed"

"The goats went wild sexually when they ate the leaves from an

Epimedioum sagittatum plant" (a weed native to China called Horny Goat

Weed) - Gary S. Ross, M.D.

This plant is native to China. Up until a few years ago, China was

almost a closed society. Tourists seldom visited except those that

spoke Chinese, and outside of government officials, few people inside

were granted exit visas to visit other countries. Medical science

completely ignored this country because its entire medical treatment

system is based on herbs.

In the past 10 years, conditions and attitudes have changed

dramatically. China is encouraging tourism with modern hotels and

multilingual tour guides. In America, the attitude about medicine has

made an about-face as well, with over 65% of

the population now using some type of alternative medicine, which

usually includes herbs. The change in the medical field was brought on

solely by the frequent failure of modern chemical drugs to cure the

majority of common diseases. Now, drug company scientists, as well as

other medical researchers, are avidly studying herbal remedies from

around the world.

Although China has the most extensive catalog of herbal medicines of any

country and very rigorously recorded instructions for their use, it has

been difficult for American and European scientists to understand

Chinese medicine.

The reason for this is that the Chinese generally treat the whole body -

not just an organ - and use hard-to-understand terms, such as yin, yang,

warm, cool, moist, sour, sweet, etc., to classify the effects of the


Most foreign scientists thought ginseng was China's only sexual

stimulant even though the Chinese don't refer to it in that way.

No research was done on the effects of the "horny goat weed" until

recently, when a Chinese scientist compared it to VIAGRA®.

Weed Gives Scientists A Big Surprise

"Sex Originates In The Brain". That comment really captured the interest

of American scientists and they jumped enthusiastically into testing it

- and what an amazing surprise they found!

Desire for sex originates in the brain, and most scientists believed

that your thoughts were solely responsible for the desire. Well, guess

again. R. Teegaurden reported that Epimedium sagittatum seemed to

stimulate nerves throughout the body, particularly in the genital region.

This was determined with elaborate testing procedures using laboratory

animals. However, any old Chinese farmer could have shown them the same

thing quickly at much less expense. Just lead a herd of goats to a

patch of Epimedium, wait about 20 minutes, and they will be happily


Why Goats?

Epimedium affects all animals and man in the same way, but goats

discovered the weed because they have notoriously weird eating habits.

They will eat practically anything and have often been seen chewing on

tin cans. The edges of an Epimedium leaf are covered with sharp needles,

so most animals avoid them. The horny old goats know a good thing when

they see it and chomp up the needles, leaves, and all.

The name of Epimedium is translated as "the herb for the man that likes

sex too much, like a goat."

No Side Effects

The brain is an incredibly complex mechanism, and even with all our

technology, science is still perplexed by a myriad of unknowns related

to brain activity. Besides its effects on the sensory nerves that

create desire, Epimedium has an androgen-like influence on the testes,

prostate gland, and certain muscles, which in turn influences sexual

desire and activity.

It Will Even Lower Blood Pressure Only If It's High

In fact, it has some great side benefits. It slightly increases

testosterone levels in men, but even better, Dr. H.M. Chang reported

that it has often been used to treat elevated blood pressure at

different stages. It doesn't lower the blood pressure of people with

normal or low blood pressure. It simply normalizes the system.

Dr. H.J. Liao reported that when Epimedium was given to totally impotent

men in a carefully controlled study at General Hospital in Beijing, it

normalized the potency of the majority of the men.

A 2% Weight Loss

Other studies showed that participants have experienced normalization of

their "bad" (LDL) and "good" (HDL) cholesterol levels and that 74.6% of

chronic bronchitis sufferers have benefited. Most Chinese doctors also

include Epimedium when treating anyone with kidney problems.

Blood Pressure & Bronchitis Sufferers Have Benefited

The prestigious Chinese Academy of Sciences concluded that Epimedium is

a relaxing yet sexually invigorating herb that should be used regularly

to slow down the aging process, but they warned that it should not be

used by men who have a hyperactive sex drive. But for those of us who

are over 35, that's not usually the case.


Important Testosterone Trigger:

Tribulus terrestris

Several years ago, Bulgarian scientists were studying old folk

literature in search of a sexual stimulant for aging animals.

They found several references to a shrub (Tribulus terrestris) that

grows at high altitudes (up to 10,000 feet).The scientists obtained some of the plants and prepared an extract.

They gave the Tribulus extract to old boars (male hogs) that were

totally impotent or had very low sexual ability.

The boars were put in pens with sows (female hogs) that were in heat.

After five days of giving the extract to the boars, the scientists were

astounded at what they saw.

Performed Like They Were Young!

Almost all of the boars were performing like young hogs.

Even the totally impotent old hogs were taking their share of the

young females - in fact, 71% fully regained their sexual ability.

Other farm animals were tested with the Tribulus extract with equal

success, so older scientists began wondering, "Will it work on men?"

Government Tests Extract

The news of this potent potion spread throughout the medical research

groups in Bulgaria. Soon tests on men began at three government

facilities: the Higher Military Medical Institute; the Medical Academy's

Institute of Endocrinology, Gerontology and Geriatrics; and the Institute

of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The 212 men chosen for the placebo-controlled tests all had sexual

problems such as poor erections, inability to maintain an erection,

impotence and more severe sexual problems.

The men were monitored for 60 days, and the results were nothing short

of spectacular. The average increase in testosterone levels was 30%,

according to Professor E. Bozadjieva, who led one of the government

research teams. Sexual ability and performance significantly escalated.


Very Little Sexual Activity Can Reduce Your

Life Span & Increase Health Problems!

According to the British Medical Journal, staying sexually active can be

a lifesaver for older men. It cut their mortality risk by a whopping

51% in an extensive study by prominent scientist Dr. George Smith.

Sexual problems are associated with unsatisfying personal experiences

and relationships, lack of physical and emotional satisfaction, and low

feelings of happiness. The conclusion is that there is a "strong

association between sexual dysfunction and impaired quality of life,"

and that sexual dysfunction "warrants recognition as a public health concern."


Which Comes First: Lack of Sexual Interest,

Inability to Perform or Bad Health?

Finally, medical scientists are looking at the whole person for answers

to health problems, and what they are finding is truly amazing. The

famous author Norman Cousins, when diagnosed with cancer, refused

chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Instead, he acquired every comedy film and video he could find, along

with a collection of joke books. Then, he spent his days and nights

laughing as he watched and read. Within a few months, his cancer was in


Joseph Heller, author of the famous novel and movie Catch-22, conquered

the nerve disease Guillain-Barre Syndrome with laughter and went on to

write a book about it entitled No Laughing Matter.

The Mayo Clinic conducted a 30-year study of 1,100 people and found that

optimists lived 19% longer than pessimists. It appears that our attitude

is of paramount importance when it comes to health because there are

literally hundreds of stories of people beating cancer without drugs or

radiation - through determination and a positive attitude.

Scientists who have interviewed large numbers of older men have found a

pattern. First, sexual interest declines, then performance becomes a

problem and soon, health begins to deteriorate - sometimes slowly,

sometimes quickly. Less than 20% of older men reported health problems

prior to diminished sexuality.

The reason for this becomes obvious when you think of how a satisfying

sexual experience makes us feel. It makes us happy and pleased with

ourselves and gives us a greater sense of well-being - not to mention

the benefits to our cardiovascular circulation.

On the other hand, lack of sexual activity affects our attitude about

life. Some people feel the difference consciously, but, for most, it is

a subconscious effect. Not feeling like a man and having less to live

for creates an overall negativeness in our attitude.

Scientists confirm that we can have sexual interest and ability well

into our nineties, and it is not impossible to find men active at that

age. The key is to stimulate our desire and punch up our ability to

perform. Today, that can be done with some very special nutrients that

will make you feel the wonderful sexual excitement again.

The Male Sexuality Killer - The Prostate Gland

There's one condition that every man over the age of 50 is in danger of

getting that will dramatically decrease your sexual desire and ability

simply due to the discomfort it causes. This is an enlarged prostate.

A severely enlarged prostate will stop any sexual desire, and if you

have to have surgery, the possibilities of having a normal sex life

afterward are extremely low.

Best Way To Avoid It

SERENOA REPENS: The most effective preventive as well as treatment was

found many centuries ago by American Indian medicine men in a plant

called Serenoa repens. All of our modern drugs and surgeries can't come

close to the success achieved with Serenoa.

A massive multicenter study of Serenoa was done at nine medical research

centers with 37 prominent scientists participating and hundreds of men

with prostate problems being treated. They concluded that Serenoa

significantly relieved the prostate problems of almost 90% of those

treated. The other 10% had apparently let the problem progress to the

point where it was untreatable.

Prevents Dangerous Surgery

Scientist and best-selling author Dr. Andrew Weil stated, "I've had real

success in relieving enlarged prostates with Serenoa in patients who

were candidates for surgery."

Dr. Alan Gaby conducted a double-blind test of Serenoa against the

highly advertised prescription drug usually prescribed for prostate

disorders. He concluded that Serenoa was definitely superior.

A massive multi-center study of Serenoa was done at nine medical

research centers with 37 prominent scientists participating and hundreds

of men with prostate problems being treated. They concluded that Serenoa

significantly relieved the prostate problems of almost 90% of those

treated. The other 10% had apparently let the problem progress to the

point where it was untreatable.

The beauty of Serenoa is that it stops the accumulation of DHT, which is

the primary cause of prostate disorders. Every man over the age of 50

should be taking it every day as a preventive of this terrible problem.

LECITHIN: It is a fatty food substance, which serves as a structural

material for every cell in the body. It is an essential constituent of

the human brain and nervous system. It forms 30 per cent of the dry

weight of the brain and 17 per cent of the nervous system.

Lecithin is also an important component of the endocrine glands and the

muscles of the heart and kidneys. It makes up 73 per cent of the total

liver fat. Nervous, mental or glandular over activity can consume

lecithin faster than its replacement.

This may render a person irritable and exhausted. It is, therefore, of

utmost importance to add lecithin to the diet, if the body's own supply

decreases as in old age or working under stress.

The action of lecithin on the heart is the most important of all its

proved benefits. It achieved its popularity initially in this area.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that tends to collect in the walls of

the arteries and veins, thus narrowing them. This may eventually lead to

a fatal blood clot. Scientific studies have shown that lecithin has the

ability to break up cholesterol into small particles which can be easily

handled by the system. With sufficient intake of lecithin, cholesterol

cannot build up against the walls of the arteries and veins.

Like cholesterol, lecithin is continuously produced in the liver, passes

into the intestine with bile and is absorbed in the blood. It helps in

the transportation of fats. It also helps the cells to remove fats and

cholesterol from the blood and to utilize them. It increases the

production of bile acids made from cholesterol, thereby reducing the

amount in the blood. It will thus be seen that cholesterol can cause

trouble only if lecithin is lacking in the system.

All arterioscleroses or changes in the arterial walls are characterized

by an increased of the blood cholesterol and a decrease in lecithin. It

has been shown that experimental heart disease, produced by feeding

cholesterol, could be prevented merely by giving a small quantity of


Arteriosclerosis has been produced in various species of animals by

increasing the blood cholesterol or decreasing the lecithin. Besides

reducing the cholesterol level in the blood, there is mounting

scientific evidence to suggest several other benefits from lecithin. It

has been suggested that its intake in sufficient amounts can help

rebuild those cells and organs, which need it. Lecithin helps to

maintain their health once they are repaired.

It may mean that a deficiency of lecithin in the diet may be one of the

causes of ageing and that its use may be beneficial in retarding the

ageing process. Lecithin has been suggested as a sexual aid. It was used

in Germany 30 years ago as a restorative of sexual powers, for glandular

exhaustion and nervous and mental disorders. Seminal fluid is rich in

lecithin. Because of its loss from the body, its need for men is

regarded as especially great.

MAGNESIUM: Magnesium is considered the "anti-stress" mineral. It is a

natural tranquilizer, as it functions to relax skeletal muscles as well

as the smooth muscles of blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract.

(While calcium stimulates muscle contraction, magnesium relaxes them.)

Because of its influence on the heart, magnesium is considered important

in preventing coronary artery spasm, a significant cause of heartattacks. Spasms of the blood vessels lead to insufficient oxygen supply

through them and pain, injury, or death of the muscle tissue that they


To function optimally, magnesium must be balanced in the body with

calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium chloride. For example, with

low magnesium, more calcium flows into the vascular muscle cells, which

contracts them-leading to tighter vessels and higher blood pressure.

Adequate magnesium levels prevent this.

Magnesium ensures the strength and firmness of the bones, and it makes

the teeth harder. Adequate intake of magnesium counteracts acidity, poor

circulation and glandular disorders. It is important in the production

and transfer of energy, in muscle contraction and relaxation, in nerve

conduction, in protein synthesis, and in many biochemical reactions as a

cofactor to enzymes. Magnesium is also thought to dilate the blood

vessels. All of this can affect your longevity and sexual ability.


Here's How You Can Keep An Active Sex Life

As Long As YOU Like

Obviously helping Mother Nature can sound like a complicated process.

I know that I didn't want to be taking dozens of different supplements;

it can be confusing and costly.

Fortunately I discovered Ultimate Vitality Inc., a company that has

simplified the process of ensuring that men can retain and regain their

sexual desire and performance ability. They have created a natural

supplement that has the right ingredients, plus additional extracts that

play a crucial part in not only optimal sexual function but improved

overall wellness too!

The product is called Vitality Max and it contains all the vital

elements you need, that I've told you about in this special report. Let

me recap it for you:

· ASD - Androstenedione,

to increase testosterone naturally in your body.

· Zinc monomethionine aspartate -

an asorable form of zinc to allow the conversion of

ASD to testosterone.

· 4-androstenediol -

the big brother of ASD to help produce a more

regulated and effective flow of testosterone.

· Epimedioum sagittatum -

turn influences sexual desire and activity, helps

blood pressure and even weight loss.

· Serenoa repens -

stops the accumulation of DHT, the primary cause of

prostate disorders.

· Lycopenes -

substantially proved to be a very strong player in

the deterrence of heart disease and tumors of the

prostate, stomach and colon.

· Lecithin -

to restore sexual powers, for glandular exhaustion and

combat cholesterol.

· Magnesium -

ensures energy and proper cardiovascular function

preventing coronary artery spasm, a significant cause

of heart attacks

· Vitamin B-6 -

builds hormones, prevents fatigue, and makes antibodies

to strengthen immune system.

Straighten Out Your Sex Life

And Improve Your Health

Here's the best part. These ingredients have all been assembled in one

simple capsule called Vitality Max, in the proper amounts to ensure

maximum effect. This product has been designed to be taken with VIAGRA®

and is designed to help supercharge the system for maximum results and

improved health. VIAGRA® does what it is

supposed to do, it produces an erection, but Vitality Max affects the

fundamental problem and improves your overall health. Therefore they are

a great combination.

Taking VIAGRA® without VITALITY MAX is like showering without soap.

You will feel the effects of the water but you don't really get

completely clean.

And --- as you can see, Ultimate Vitality Inc. took a more comprehensive

and realistic approach in creating the Vitality Max Formula by adding the

ingredients that address the broad-based problems of sexuality and

health for older men. This really is a win-win power packed combination.

As pointed out earlier, medical scientists have concluded that keeping

your testosterone level up is as important to your overall health as a

balanced diet. And secondarily, the happy sense of well-being and

enjoyable sex life this hormone provides not only makes growing older

more fun, but also allows for a longer and healthier life.

Don't Pay For Procrastination

Even if you are in your forties or fifties and haven't yet noticed a

decline in your sexual ability, this is the time to ensure the future

because the subtle decline is probably happening whether you feel it or

not. If you are already feeling the pangs of age, then you know the

reality of sexual decline. The unfortunate part is that is continues to

get worse unless you do something to stop the decline.

And don't you owe it to yourself to start hitting home runs again?

Here's some comments that will give you an idea of how this product can

work for you.

"I take a normal and it seems to give me increased vitality and

strength. It takes away my lethargy and makes me look forward to having

sex. If I took it as often as the prescribed dosage, my wife wouldn'thave any rest!"

D. McGovern, Victorville, CA

"The pleasure Vitality Max has brought to my sex life is indescribable.

Thank you."

J. Freed, Oceanside, CA

"I have found that I have been having more energy and a stronger drive

with increased arousal. I hope to see more improvement in the days


R. Rosellini, Pahrump, NV

"I can't go without it. It's made a new man out of me. I take it every

day to make sure I have enough backing when I need it. I'm 75, but I

feel like 40 since I bean taking Vitality Max. It sure improved my sex

drive, above and beyond the Viagra alone and I'm very happy to regain my


C. Patawaran, Pearl City, HI

"At age 84, I just didn't have any desire for sex. Vitality Max has

changed my life and I feel like it's given me a zest for living. My sex

life is fantastic. I highly recommend Vitality Max."

S. Baris, Henderson, NV

"After using the Vitality Max spray, I was amazed at how soon I could

feel its effects. It reminds me of feelings I had in my younger days of

long ago. I actually do feel younger. I can truthfully state that

Vitality Max works, and fast."

W. Holder, Broomfield, CO

"I am in my mid-70s and had lost my ability to have an erection. Since

taking Vitality Max with Viagra, this has improved greatly, with more

energy and no side effects."

B. Hagan, Deerfield Beach, FL

"It took 4 to 5 days to see a real change, but after that the sex drive

and performance was like I was in my 30s. After hurting my back I had

no sexual drive, but that has changed now. Thank you."

J. Burden, Riverton, WY

"After taking the pill, I find enhanced sex drive and stability,

sharpened sexual reflexes overall, improved energy, and a sense of

well-being. Thanks for a great product.

J. Bebo, Jamestown, ND

"After taking Vitality Max, I found that there was more sexual desire,

and my wife has noticed the difference in me. We enjoy our lovemaking

much more and more often as well. Our marriage is much nicer now. It

gave us a real lift."R. Carleton, Pittsford, VT

"I couldn't believe the difference after taking it. In just a short

time, my energy level increased, and sex has become more fulfilling. I

feel younger and my attitude is more positive, making life more

fulfilling and my sex life like it used to be."

L. Martin, Columbus, OH


Here's The No Risk Way To Get Yours

Try Vitality Max in conjunction with you prescription of Viagra for

yourself, risk free for a 30 days. You'll see how this powerful

combination increases your sex drive, improves your sense of well-being

and boosts your sexual performance or we'll buy it back from you.

Sexual potency is related to feelings of power, competence,self-confidence and a healthy sense of narcissism. When sexual potency

begins to wane, the man may feel that he is losing control of himself,

of his mind, his body, and of being able to influence his world.

This simple effect can lead to anxiety, depression and an inability to

function in the world from an interpersonal, business and professional

level. When this happens the man suffers, and usually the people in his

life, especially his wife, suffer as well. Vitality Max can reverse this

negative ripple effect.

Vitality Max won't be in stores, but you can order it directly from online.


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