Olimpus J 2004 A1

  1. How many books …………….. ?

  1. do they have

  2. are they having

  3. have they got

  1. Who …………….. hungry?

a) are b) has c) is

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  1. Here we have: (1) ; (2) ; (3)

  1. (1) five chairs; (2) three shelfs; (3) four matchs

  2. (1) five chairs; (2) three shelves; (3) four matches

  3. (1) five chair; (2) tree shelves; (3) for matches

  1. Mark correct answers.

  1. 15 x 10 = one hundred fifty

  2. thirteen plus six = nineteen

  3. twenty two minus ten = twelve

  1. Put the words in the right order:

school / homework / he / after / his / usually / does

  1. He does usually homework after his school.

  2. He usually does his homework after school.

  3. Usually he does homework after his school.

  1. Kate …………….. the answer.

  1. never know b) never knows c) knows never

  1. A: (1) ……………... a new computer?

B: (2) ……………………….………….. .

  1. (1) Does John have got …

(2) Yes, he does.

  1. (1) Has John got …

(2) No, she hasn't got.

  1. (1) Has got John …

(2) Yes, he has.

  1. ……………... that!

  1. Do not b) Don't do c) Don't

  1. Tom ……………... hard.

  1. not works b) do not work c) doesn't work

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Drogi uczestniku!

Przewidziany czas na olimpiadę z języka angielskiego to 55 minut.

Życzymy powodzenia!!!

I. Reading


This is the dining-room. Mrs. Brown is laying the table for dinner. Marta is helping her mother. Her mother is putting plates, spoons, forks and knives on the table. Marta is carrying a plate with some apples and pears on it.

This is the kitchen. Mr. Brown is standing near the sink. He is washing the dirty plates. In the middle of the kitchen there is a table. What is there on the table? There are some eggs in a bowl, a loaf of bread, a jug of juice, butter and a sugar-bowl.

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        1. Marta …

  1. is Mr. and Mrs. Brown's daughter.

  2. is helping her parents.

  3. is carrying a plate with fruits.

        1. What is Mrs. Brown putting on the table?

  1. spoons b) forks c) knives

        1. What is Mr. Brown doing in the kitchen?

  1. He is sitting at the table. b) He is washing dirty plates. c) He is standing near the sink.

        1. There …

  1. is a table in the dining-room.

  2. are a jug of juice and a sugar-bowl in the kitchen.

  3. is a table in the kitchen.

        1. Zwrot „to lay tha table” oznacza:

  1. siedzieć przy stole b) nakrywać do stołu c) sprzątać ze stołu

II. Communication activity

        1. A: What's Julia like?

B: …………………… .

  1. She likes going to the cinema.

  2. She's like beautiful and very nice.

  3. She's clever and very friendly.

        1. Pair up the sentences. /Utwórz zdania./

1. A nurse

A. works in a theatre

2. An actor

B. helps doctors

3. A vet

C. rides horses

4. A jockey

D. treats animals

  1. 1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - C; 4 - D b) 1 - D; 2 - A; 3 - B; 4 - C c) 1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - D; 4 - C

        1. A: ……………….… ?

B: She's an actress.

  1. What's her job? b) What is her profession? c) What does she do?

        1. A: Do you speak Russian?

B: …………………………… .

  1. No, I don't. b) No, I speak not. c) Yes, I do.

        1. A: You're late.

B: …………… .

  1. Yes, we're here. b) Yes, I'm sorry. c) Yes, we're so sorry.

        1. A: What colour is the flag of Poland?

B: ……………………………………….. .

  1. It's red. b) It's red and white. c) It's white and red.

        1. ………….. I can't stay.

  1. Ok b) I'm afraid c) No problem

        1. A: How is Mary?

B: …………..….. .

  1. She is very nice. b) She is out now. c) She is fine.

III. Vocabulary

14. Cross the odd word out. /Wykreśl słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych./

cheetah vet pilot carpenter hairdresser

a) cheetah b) carpenter c) hairdresser

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15. Read the description below and select things which there are in the room.

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  1. 0x08 graphic
    1; 2; 5

  2. 1; 3; 5; 6

  3. 2; 5; 6

  1. Look at the words in the table below.

  2. parrot





    All words describe …

    a) birds b) animals c) plants

    1. Complete the Christmas crossword. /Rozwiąż świąteczną krzyżówkę./

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    1. Silent …………. .

    2. We begin eating when the first …………. appears in the sky.

    3. We all love getting them.

    4. …………. Claus.

    What is the solution? /Jakie jest rozwiązanie?/

    a) trees b) merry c) years

    1. Ułóż poniższe słowa w kolejności alfabetycznej.

    2. unit




      1. unit; vase; quite; young

      2. vase; unit, young; quite

      3. quite; unit; vase; young

      1. Where do you find shampoo, soap, toothbrush and bath?

      1. in the bathroom b) in the bedroom c) in the toilet

      IV. Grammar

      1. I can't understand (1) ……….. when (2) ………. speaks English with (3) ……….. .

      a) (1) her; (2) she; (3) me

      b) (1) him; (2) he; (3) you

      c) (1) they; (2) them; (3) me

      1. Every morning I read (1) ………. paper in (2) ……….. bed.

      a) the, the b) the, a c) the, (nothing)

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      Język angielski

      Poziom 1

      1. ; 2. 3. ;

      4. 5. 6.


      There is a big bed and desk in my room. Next to the desk there is a stool and comfortable armchair. There is no carpet on the floor in my room.

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      Język angielski

      Poziom 1

      ul. Grochowska 341/268

      03 - 822 Warszawa

      tel. (0-22) 741 26 80

      fax. (0-22) 741 26 81


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