Praca zaliczeniowa angilk II

Olsztyńska Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania

im. prof. Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego

Kierunek: Pedagogika pracy

Specjalność: Pedagogika pracy z zarządzaniem zasobami ludzkimi.

Rok II, semestr IV

Subject: Write view of your favorite film or a book.


mgr Joanna Sochań


Joanna Stoehr

Saga of people ice- series of books consisting of 47 parts by Margit Sandemo contemporary Norwegian writers. Action story takes place over the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The main plot of this book is about the history of one family, named "Ice people". Whose ancestor, Tengel bad, made a pact with the devil in order to receive the gift of immortality. In return, at least one person in every generation of his family had been affected, that is to serve evil. One of the affected tried to destroy the evil inherent in his nature and turn it into good, was named Tengelem. Saga of the Ice People tells the story of him and his family, and mainly about women coming from this family. Saga of the ice Peopie is among the fantastic literature, however, contains the elements of other species, especially romance and horror.

The action throughout the saga begins in 1581 when Norway and the whole of Europe hit a wave of plague. Silje, less than a girl endowed with seventeen extraordinary will to fight, which manage to survive with her two younger children who are rescued from cold and hunger, with the help of an unusual and mysterious man. Seeking refuge. The man, bearing the name Tengel, turns out to belong to the Ice People, communities living in a mountain valley. Tengel takes Silje and children to the mountain valley. The girl born to a powerful feeling dangerous man, who must cast a curse once. Tengel not want to be

associated with anyone believe that if a family has expired, a terrible curse words will disappear. But Silje wants nothing else, only love Tengela and is ready for anything, just to be able to share with him the rest of life. It also turns out that Sol, the little girl is found by Silje in the city, is a close relative of Tengela and itself belongs to the People of Ice. In addition to is marked at that curse. Sol Sunnivy daughter, sister Tengela Good. M. Sandemo

Books for me are so addictive that I lose track of time with them. I read all the saga after another, but most stuck in my memory, "Saga of the Ice People." I'm going to break after a few years back to re-read it. We appreciate the writer's work is really great, I see a little different now the world broke away from the boring, humdrum reality and regained my faith in true love, trust, support and adventure. I recommend all these books, they are really worth reading.


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