descriptive grammar 30 11 2010

30 11 2010 descriptive grammar

wh- clauses

  1. wh- word and wh- clauses

example: she bought the dress in the shop.

WHO bought the dress in the shop?

She bought WHAT in the shop?

She bought the dress WHERE?

wh- words in the main and the subordinate clauses

WHAT did you do?

He siad WHAT he had to say.


What is Kate taking to Australia?

Is Kate taking the cat to Australia?


Kate is taking her cat to Australia.

WHAT is Kate [ ] taking [ ] to Australia?

WHERE is Kate [ ] taking her cat [ ] ?

WHO [] [] is taking her cat to Austarlia?

[WHOSE cat] is Kate [] taking [] to Austarlia?

NP fronted


wh- but not irrogative

modifiers of Nom

relative pronouns substitute for various phrases

noun complement clauses vs. Relative clauses

  1. meaning

  2. structure (gap)

pro – Nom ONE

- that clauses and relative clauses function as sisters in respect of different categories


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