Essentials of Sociology A Down to Earth Approach aZ04 HENS 7052 NI

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Addams, Jane, 9, 10, 12
Adhieu (enslaved child), 174
Adler, Patricia, 75
Adler, Peter, 75
Adorno, Theodor, 235
Alger, Horatio, 221
Amato, Paul R., 351–52
Anderson, Elijah, 86
Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 227
Ariès, Philippe, 77
Aron, Arthur, 336
Arquitt, George, 118–19
Asch, Solomon, 134–35


Bacon, Kevin, 122
Balch, Emily Greene, 9
Ball, Tray, 115
Banaji, Mahzarin, 233
Banda, Alone, 315
Banks, Laurie, 13
Bates, Marston, 40
Beah, Ishmael, 312
Becker, Howard S., 142
Becker, Selwyn, 133
Bell, Daniel, 313
Benford, Robert D., 371
Benga, Ota, 238
Berger, Peter, 298
bin Laden, Osama, 309
Blankfein, Lloyd C., 201
Blee, Kathleen, 231
Blumstein, Philip, 345
Bono, 193
Bowles, Samuel, 369
Brajuha, Mario, 29–30
Bristow, Sydney, 71
Bronfenbrenner, Urie, 351
Brooks, David, 162
Buffet, Warren, 142
Buffy (the Vampire Slayer), 71
Bundy, Ted, 162
Burgess, Ernest, 9, 15, 413, 415
Burns, Lucy, 272
Bush, George W., 178, 444
Butler, Robert, 286


Cage, Nicholas, 205
Calment, Jeanne Louise, 285
Calvin, John, 382
Calvo, Maria Antonieta, 127
Capela, Stanley, 13
Carnevale, Anthony P., 369
Castle, John, 202
Castro, Fidel, 245
Chafetz, Janet, 265, 272
Chagnon, Napoleon, 141

Chain, David, 444–45
Chambliss, William J., 109, 146, 151
Charles Anjou, King of Sicily, 181
Charles VII, King of France, 299
Cheadle, Jacob, 351–52
Chenault, Kenneth I., 201
Cherlin, Andrew, 354
Clement IV, Pope, 181
Clinton, Hillary, 281
Cloward, Richard, 152, 153
Coleman, James S., 374
Collins, Randall, 360
Comte, Auguste, 5–6, 9, 16
Cooley, Charles Horton, 15, 64, 118
Corll, Dean, 162
Coser, Lewis A., 18
Cowen, Emory, 235
Crick, Francis, 96
Croft, Lara, 73
Cruise, Tom, 198
Cruz, Penelope, 208
Cullum, Leo, 157
Cumming, Elaine, 287–88


Darley, John, 132, 418
Darwin, Charles, 6
Davis, Kingsley, 59, 60, 179, 366
Day, Dorothy, 272
de Klerk, Frederik Willem, 300
Degler, Jeffrey, 102
Depp, Johnny, 208
Dershowitz, Alan M., 120
Dickerson, Tonda, 205
Dilbert, 279
Doane, Ashley, 231
Dollard, John, 235
Domhoff, William, 201, 308
Dove, Adrian, 368
Du Bois, W. E. B., 10–12, 173, 254
Duneier, Mitchell, 86
Durkheim, Emile, 7, 16, 96–98,

151–52, 167, 374–75

Dutton, Donald, 336
Dye, H. B., 62


Eaton, Isabel, 10
Eder, Donna, 71
Edgerton, Robert B., 39, 143
Einstein, Albert, 6
Ekman, Paul, 69
Elizabeth I, 206
Engels, Friedrich, 6, 177, 269–70
Evans, Peter, 128


Falcon, Pedro, 45
Farkas, George, 370–71

Faunce, William, 395
Fischer, Edward, 336
Fisher, Sue, 274
Flanagan, William, 421–22
Flavel, John, 64
Ford, Henry, 433
Ford family, 210
Foreman, David, 445
Fox, Elaine, 118–19
Fox, Vicente, 191
Francis of Asisi, Saint, 379
Franklin, Benjamin, 242
Freud, Sigmund, 68, 165
Friedman, Dusty, 40
Frohock, Jane, 9
Fuld, Richard S., Jr., 201


Galbraith, John Kenneth, 191
Gans, Herbert, 416–17
Garfinkel, Harold, 104–5, 149
Gates, Bill, 200, 208
Genie (isolated child), 62–63
Gilbert, Dennis, 207, 209
Gilder, Jeannette, 272
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 10
Goffman, Erving, 77, 103, 104, 143
Gold, Ray, 205
Goldberg, Susan, 70
Goldstein, Baruch, 377
Gray, Joseph, 149
Green, Leslie, 13
Greenwald, Anthony G., 233
Guy, Scary, 165–66


Hall, Edward T., 100
Harlow, Harry, 63
Harlow, Margaret, 63
Harrington, Michael, 192
Harris, Chauncey, 416
Harris, Eric, 373
Harris, Marvin, 269
Hart, Charles W. M., 282
Hart, Johnny, 215, 216
Hartley, Eugene, 233
Hawking, Stephen, 90
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 149
Hayakawa, S. I., 245
Hellinger, Daniel, 201
Henley, Elmer Wayne, 162
Henry, William, 287
Henslin, James M., 70, 108–9, 213
Henslin, Marv, 293
Herrera, Victor Manuel, 149
Hetherington, Mavis, 351
Higgenbotham, Elizabeth, 215
Hill, Julia “Butterfly,” 445
Hill, Paul, 377

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Hill, Zettie Mae, 211
Hipler, Fritz, 236
Hirschi, Travis, 148
Hitler, Adolf, 226, 235, 236, 300,

302, 404

Hoan, Nguyen Thi, 269
Hoffer, Thomas, 374
Holbein, Hans, 427
Horowitz, Ruth, 147
Howells, Lloyd, 133
Hoyt, Homer, 415–16
Hudson, Jennifer, 106
Huggins, Martha, 185, 310
Huizenga, Wayne, 202
Humphreys, Laud, 30
Hussein, Saddam, 121–22, 302


in Najaf, Mustafa Jabbar, 309
Irani, Ray R., 201
Isabelle (isolated child), 59, 60


Jackson, Jesse, 248–49
Jagger, Alison, 281
James, LeBron, 208
Janis, Irving, 137
Jankowiak, William, 336
Jaro (Colombian informant), 406–7
Jarrell, John, 204
Jarrell, Sandy, 204
Jefferson, Thomas, 301
Jesus, 376, 378
Joan of Arc, 299
Johns, Charlie, 333
Johns, Eunice, 333
Johnson, Benton, 382
Jones, Robert Trent, 419
Judd, Dennis R., 201


Kahl, Joseph, 207, 209
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 129
Karp, David, 419
Kelley, Florence, 10
Kelly, Julie, 171–72
Kelly, Michael, 171–72
Kelly, Patti, 171–72
Kelly, Rick, 171–72
Kennedy, John F., 202, 255
Kennedy, Rose, 202
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 248, 375,


Kingston, Maxine, 40
Klebold, Dylan, 373
Kleinfeld, Judith S., 122
Klinebiel, Michael, 205
Klinebiel, Phyllis, 205
Knapp, Daniel, 13
Knightley, Keira, 106
Kody, Monster. See Scott, Kody
Kohn, Melvin, 74, 339
Koolhaas, Rem, 420
Kraybill, Donald, 99
Kutcher, Ashton, 288
Kwado, Mark, 315


Larson, Gary, 29
Latané, Bibb, 132, 418
Lauer, Jeanette, 355
Lauer, Robert, 355
Lee, Alfred, 438
Lee, Elizabeth, 438
Lendenhann, Meeraq, 158
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 183, 363
Lenski, Gerhard, 181, 205
Lerner, Gerda, 172–73, 265, 270
Lewis, Michael, 70
Lewis, Oscar, 191
Liebow, Elliot, 86
Light, Paul, 26
Linton, Ralph, 36
Lippitt, Ronald, 133–34
Locke, Gary, 252
Locke, Harvey, 15
Lubarsky, Laura, 426
Luther, Martin, 384


Mackey, Daniel, 103
Mackey, Jennifer, 102–3
Mahashury (bonded laborer), 175
Malthus, Thomas, 394, 396, 397
Mandela, Nelson, 300
Martineau, Harriet, 9
Marx, Karl, 6–7, 8, 18, 127, 176–77,

180, 183, 207, 320, 379, 430–31

Mary (mother of Jesus), 378
Matza, David, 150
McCarthy, John, 439
McIntosh, Peggy, 243
McKinley, William, 190
Mead, George Herbert, 9, 15, 64–66
Merton, Robert K., 16–17, 119, 152,


Metcalf, Mack, 205
Meyer, Joyce, 386
Michaelangelo, 378
Michels, Robert, 119
Milgram, Stanley, 122, 135–36
Milkie, Melissa, 71
Mills, C. Wright, 4, 12, 20, 201, 307
Ming, Yao, 227
Minkler, Meredith, 291
Montagu, Ashley, 227
Moore, Demi, 288
Moore, Wilbert, 179, 366
Morgan, Lewis, 430
Mosca, Gaetano, 180
Moseley-Braun, Carol, 281
Mosher, Steven W., 404
Mott, Lucretia, 9
Moyers, Bill, 236
Moynihan, Daniel, 219
Mulleta, Getu, 171
Mulleta, Zenebu, 171
Munimah (bonded laborer), 286
Mussolini, Benito, 235


Nader, Ralph, 444
Nation, Carrie, 436

Navarro, Rubin, 425–26
Niebuhr, Richard, 388


Obama, Barack, 249, 250
Ogburn, William, 15, 55, 431–32
Oh, Sandra, 208
Ohlin, Lloyd, 152, 153
Orwell, George, 130, 297
Otabenga, 238


Pager, Devah, 14
Park, Robert E., 9, 413
Parker, Alisha, 153
Parker, Brant, 216
Parks, Rosa, 248
Parsons, Elsie Clews, 10
Parsons, Talcott, 12, 366
Partington, Donald, 161
Patrick, Deval, 249
Paul, Alice, 10
Pelosi, Nancy, 281
Perdue, Frank, 324
Perkins, Frances, 9
Perot, Ross, 302
Peter, Laurence, 128
Piaget, Jean, 66, 67
Pontiac (Ottawa Chief ), 253
Pope, Liston, 382
Portés, Alejandro, 255
Possible, Kim, 71
Powell, Colin, 178
Prynne, Hester, 149
Putin, Vladimir, 429


Rader, Dennis, 162
Rainwater, Lee, 219
Ram, Arun Bharat, 337
Rauch, James, 128
Reagan, Ronald, 178
Reckless, Walter, 148
Reskin, Barbara, 255
Riis, Jacob, 177
Rist, Ray, 369–70
Ritzer, George, 126
Robertson, Ann, 291
Robertson, Ian, 47, 183
Robertson, Pat, 386
Robespierre, Maximilien, 5
Rockne, Knute, 88
Rodriguez, Richard, 76
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 9, 125, 137,

251, 290

Roosevelt, Theodore, 252, 302
Roozrokh, Hootan, 425–26
Rose, Stephen J., 369
Rossi, Alice, 262, 264
Rudner, Lawrence M., 367
Rumbaut, Ruben, 255
Rumsfeld, Donald, 48
Russell, Diana, 355


Salk, Jonas, 125
Samuelson, Paul A., 199


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Sanders, Howard, 414
Sanderson, Mary, 204
Sapir, Edward, 44
Schuller, Robert, 386
Schultz, Charles M., 287
Schwartz, Pepper, 345
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 178
Scott, Kody, 115–16, 119, 121
Scully, Diana, 274
Seinfeld, Jerry, 284
Shakespeare, William, 91
Shelton, Robert, 78
Shepard, Matthew, 165
Sherif, Carolyn, 236
Sherif, Muzafer, 236
Shipman, Harold, 162
Shively, JoEllen, 52
Simmel, Georg, 130
Simon, Julian, 398
Simpson, George Eaton, 240
Sims, JoAnne, 221
Singh, Thaman, 399
Skeels, H. M., 62
Small, Albion, 9
Smeeding, Timothy, 219
Snyder, Mark, 101
Spencer, Herbert, 6, 16
Spengler, Oswald, 430
Stalin, Joseph, 363
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 9
Starr, Ellen G., 10
Stinnett, Nicholas, 355
Stohr, Oskar, 61, 236
Straus, Murray, 354
Summers, Larry, 268
Sumner, William, 37
Sutherland, Edwin, 155
Suzuki, Bob H., 342

Sykes, Gresham, 150
Szasz, Thomas, 165–66


Taft, Robert, 302
Takewell, Terry, 211
Talbott, Wm. F., 172
Thain, John A., 201
Thomas, Dorothy S., 105, 227
Thomas, William I., 15, 105, 227
Timasheff, Nicholas, 308
Tito, Marshall, 239
Tönnies, Ferdinand, 98
Tornstam, Lars, 287
Townsend, Francis, 290
Toynbee, Arnold, 430
Troeltsch, Ernst, 382
Trotsky, Leon, 183
Troyer, Verne, 227
Trudeau, Garry, 25
Trump, Donald, 142, 208
Tumin, Melvin, 179


Ullman, Edward, 416
Useem, Michael, 321


Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 177
Vanderbilt, Gladys, 177
Veblen, Thorstein, 313
Venkatesh, Sudhir Alladi, 154
Verner, Samuel, 238


Wallerstein, Immanuel, 190
Wallerstein, Judith, 351

Watson, James, 96
Watson, Mark, 150–51
Wayne, John, 52
Weber, Lynn, 215
Weber, Max, 8, 10, 30–31, 124–25,

126, 177–78, 298, 300, 379, 382,

Weber, Robert, 119
Welch, Jack, 142
Welch, Martell, 416
White, Ralph, 133–34
Whorf, Benjamin, 44
Wilder, L. Douglas, 249
Williams, Christine, 279
Williams, Robin, 49
Williams, Wayne, 162
Wilson, William Julius, 154, 250,


Winfrey, Oprah, 198
Wirth, Louis, 227
Woods, Tiger, 227
Word, Deletha, 416, 418
Wright, Erik, 206, 207
Wuornos, Aileeen, 162


Yinger, J. Milton, 240
Yufe, Jack, 61, 236


Zald, Mayer, 436, 439
Zerubavel, Eviatar, 44
Zogbaum, Rufus, 253

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